Beast Mode Success - Banish these 5 thoughts

We know that working out is really difficult to do, especially if you are new to it or going back to a routine after some time. 

Is your brain constantly judging you for making your body do things like burpees, or run at ridiculous timings? 

Hang tight, don’t let the mind overcome your honest endeavors to turn your Beast Rabbit mode off. 

We’ve faced these wars with our brain for decades and we’ve compiled our 5 most entertaining thoughts that cross our minds during a tough day in the gym, at home or during a run.

How many of these can you relate to? Comment & tag your friend  


Remember, the sense of accomplishment after your 10 sets of exercises or 15 minutes on the elliptical and even 30 minutes of walking and yoga makes you feel on top of the world.

Your increased energy levels, thanks to the higher levels of insulin and serotonin, help you get into that positive frame of mind. 

You begin your day or end it, depending on when you work out, with a stronger sense of self-belief and motivation.

FitRabbits, hop onwards to your next workout!

Easy hacks to unleash your fittest self!

Try to be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell.
— Bill Copeland

Have you been keeping off your fitness goals for too long? Do you want to get started, but don’t know how? Are you too busy to get the workout you need?

If getting started is the biggest hurdle, this article might be just what you need right now. 

I. Set those Goals- Be your personal warrior

Each of us has different motivations to workout. Brooke Shields once wanted legs like Steffi Graf while Madhu wanted to stay active around his 2 year old and Neha wanted to go from couch to 5K in 6 weeks. 

Whatever your goal, believe in it. Define your long-term goal and then make specific, realistic and time bound short-term goals. 

  • Short-term goals should last four to six weeks. For example- working out 3 times a week for a beginner. 

  • Long-term goals are the end goal, spanning a few months and close to a year. Things like living healthily, lowering cholesterol, losing ten kilos or more (the right way, of course), running your first-half marathon or a marathon, etc. 

Remember, that your goal has to work for you- it's your personal journey to become a better you.

Write your goals down- slap it on the fridge door, behind the bathroom door, in front of the closet, or wherever you do your morning thing. 

II. Plan your activities for heart-thumping fitness

Identify your favourite fitness-related activities- is it the serenity of yoga that appeals to you, or the music thumping beats in a spinning class or just the breeze on your face during a walk or run or all of them?

Find the activity or the set of activities that get your feet moving and your energy levels up. 

  • Figure out how you'll follow these activities. Sign up to classes, find a training plan, etc.

  • Set some achievable challenges during each activity. For example, if your goal is to run a 5K, start with walking for 25-30 minutes each day and vary your speed and distance as you get more active. Add a few lunges, crunches and pushups along the way. 

III. Time - it's precious!

We’re all stressed for time in today’s busy life. To discover your new rabbit-self, you'll have to get into a routine. Routines slowly help form habits, and the benefits can range from stress relief to regulated blood sugar levels to lower risk of heart disease. Start young, stay young!  

Decide how much time you'd like to dedicate on daily and a weekly basis. 

  • Setting some time aside can help you stick to your routines and boost your confidence in the workout or the activity of choice. 

  • Pick a time and stick to it. You can always add to your basic routine and mix your workout to make it more fun in future.

  • Research suggests adults require 30 minutes of physical activity a day. But dont worry if you cant squeeze in 30 mins in one go. Split it into 15 min sessions and you go for it! 

IV. Reward yourself regularly- carrots are important.

Some people are motivated to exercise because they genuinely love it. But if you are one of those people who doesn’t, then rewarding yourself once in a while will drive your motivation to stick to your goals.

Rewards are very personal and vary from one person to the other. You can set up your own rewards and frequency. 

  1. Small(daily) rewards : 

    • Put Rs100 in a jar every day you workout (building into a larger reward)

    • Watch your favourite TV show (only) on days you workout

    • Open WhatsApp only after you’ve finished your workout

    • Bite into some dark chocolate after 30 minutes of active workout

  2. Medium (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) rewards:

    • Watch a movie / game

    • Shop for one frivolous item online

    • Get a massage

    • Eat your favourite dessert 

  3. Longterm (3, 6, 12 months) rewards :

    • Vacation with friends 

    • Splurge on an outfit / watch / shoes 

    • Indulge in a 5/7/9 course meal

    • Plan something with the kids (and let them know. They’ll ensure you get your workout!) 

V. Clean your Diet

Studies show that not only is fast food bad for long-term health outcomes, it can also cause sluggishness, lack of motivation and reduced performance in our day to day lives.

Moving to a balanced, nutritious diet goes hand-in-hand with a good workout as it increases productivity, enhances mood and helps in losing or controlling body weight.

In India, we have plenty of healthy breakfast options like roti-subzi, poha, upma, idli-chutney etc that one can make in minutes. Add freshly chopped carrots, beans etc to make them even more interesting. 


Getting started is really a mind game. Follow the process and you will start to see the results. Sometimes, pairing up with a friend, sharing your goals publicly or simply challenging yourself to a 21 day NO MISS workout could do the trick. 

Do you workout regularly? What has your first experience been like? Tell us more in the comments section below!

Running Injuries & Remedies

The reality for every runner’s journey is you will hit a few snags along the way. If overlooked, these can become serious injuries that can force you to take a long break from running. However, we can easily avoid them by paying due attention to your running basics.

Here is a complete breakdown on the 5 most common running injuries:

1.     Runner’s Knee or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PPS)


Considered to be the most common running related injury, PPS is the pain around or behind the patella (kneecap) during or after your runs. 

  1. Cause(s) - Repetitive running/over training, biomechanical issues or muscle imbalances – weak glutes, hips, tight hamstrings, quadriceps. PPS occurs when your weak or inflexible muscles can’t control hip and thigh movement or give enough support to the patella.

  2. Prevention - Pay greater attention to your running form, strengthening and stretching routine. Reduce your running mileage, avoid downhill running and opt for softer surfaces- treadmill, grass, elliptical training or swimming. Icing, taping and some pain killers may help.

    • Incorporate focussed leg strengthening workouts - at least 2 times a week.

    • Improve running form to shorten stride length and land with knees slightly bend.

    • Remember to warm-up & cool-down and also to stretch and foam roll your hip flexors.

 2.     Shin Splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome


This injury, plagues new runners or those getting back into running. When the muscles and tendons around your shin bone (tibia) get inflamed, it causes a stabbing pain in the front/outer or inner side of your leg.

  1. Cause(s) - Doing too much, too soon. Also, your running gait, wearing incorrect shoes for your arches (high or flat) or worn-out shoes can cause this.

  2. Prevention - At the first sign of pain, stop running for a few days. Ice the shins for 15-20 minutes. Get a blood test as your vitamin D and calcium levels may be low. You may need to get new sneakers with better cushioning, stability or insoles that support your arches.

    • Remember to build mileage slowly- no more than a weekly increase of 10%.

    • Strength work should focus on hips, calves, core and include lateral movements.

    • Don’t forget to stretch your calves, hip flexors and back, too.

3.     Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)


The iliotibial (IT) band is the connective tissue that stretches from the pelvic bone, along the outside of your thigh bone (femur) and connects to your knee. When the IT band gets inflamed, you will feel pain on the outside of the knee, specially while running.

  1. Cause(s) - Sudden increased mileage, weak muscles- glutes & hips- and too much downhill running.

  2. Prevention - Stretching, strength training and foam-rolling. You need strong gluteal muscles to stop unnecessary shifting of your pelvis and femur that causes ITBS. At the onset of pain, please stop running and spend a few days either swimming or using the elliptical trainer.

    • Strength train at least 2 times a week - focus on hip-abductors and gluteal muscles.

    • Foam rolling twice a day or daily stretching with focus on hips is beneficial.

    • Re-asses your running form (Get a running coach!)- Perhaps shorten your strides.

4.     Plantar Fasciitis (PF)


When the connective tissue in the soles of your feet that support your arch (Plantar fascia) get inflamed, it causes pain in the arches of your feet, close to your heel. PF is usually at its worst when you get out of bed in the morning.

  1. Cause(s) - Excessive over-pronation or supination, weak core muscles, tight hip flexors, calves and feet. Runners with very high or very low arches are susceptible. Sudden increase of mileage causes it, too.

  2. Prevention - Rest, icing, calf rolling and stretching, and foot-strengthening exercises. Wear shoes with extra cushion and get lots of rest.

    • Use a frozen water bottle, tennis or golf ball to roll the balls of your feet, twice in a day (I’ve tried and tested this!).

    • Strength train your core, calves four times a week and stretch daily.

    • Recovery time can range from three months to a year, so be patient!

5.     Achilles Tendonitis (AT)


When the tendon that connects the two major calf muscles to the backs of your heels, is stressed or is weakened, it causes pain (AT). Don’t ignore, as it can get very serious and may take up to six months to go away!

  1. Cause (s) - Bad running form, rapid increase in mileage (hills and speed work) or a naturally flat foot. Runners with a weak posterior chain of muscles (calves, hamstrings, glutes), different leg lengths and other muscle imbalances are highly susceptible.

  2. Prevention - Proper stretching, focussed strength training and the good old R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression and elevation) technique.

    • Wearing supportive shoes, especially if you severely pronate will be helpful.

    • Strength work should include- eccentric heel drops, calf raises, burpees, squats, lunges.


If you notice, nearly all injuries are a result of overreaching your goals and beating your body. So please pay attention to your running posture.

Yes, I’ve suffered from some of these but have managed to come back fitter and stronger.

Here is the link to tried & tested warm-up, cool-down and strength training routines.

This article was written by me for Men's Health India. It is featured there, too.